Viviana is smiling at the camera in a black and white selfie.

Hello! I am Viviana.

I am a creative web developer with a background in audiovisual communication.

I care about crafting enjoyable experiences that make the web more accessible and inclusive.

I wrote my first lines of code while working as a 2D character animator and loved it. Eventually, I decided to fully transition my career into software development.

I am a collaborative team player who can quickly adapt to new environments and tasks. During the last months, I completed a software engineering internship at the Wikimedia Foundation and participated as a frontend developer at The Collab Lab. See my contributions or download my CV.

My interests include creativity, culture, technical writing, knowledge sharing, and everything in between.

I love the intersection between design and engineering, and my work always takes a user-centric approach. I care about crafting enjoyable experiences that make the web more accessible and inclusive.

Thanks for your visit! Please feel free to reach out on Linkedin, I am always happy to exchange experiences, learnings, and thoughts.